Nupoor Maduskar

Nupoor Maduskar


Brought up in India, Oman, and having lived in the US for several years now, Nupoor Maduskar is a global citizen that is passionate about the study of public spaces through the lens of various cultures. At the core of it, she thinks that architecture should facilitate an opportunity for communities to connect. This ideal has been informed by her travels through Europe and India, spending time experiencing architecture - not just its physicality but all the concepts of light, space, materiality, and movement that she has studied. Documenting her experiences through sketching, photographing, and understanding the mind of the architect put Nupoor in the shoes of the audience, helping bridge the critical gap in the understanding of ‘design of the architect’ and ‘design for the pubic.’

The latest arrival to the Athletics + Community studio, Nupoor learns through quiet observation and finds solutions through the process of doing. Perhaps that explains the quote she finds most inspiring: "make mistakes faster".


Master of Arts, Adaptive Reuse, Rhode Island School of Design

Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Virginia Tech

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